Home » Vocal music
Dramatic scene for alto voice and violin, soprano/alto saxophone, harp, and synthesizer (Roland Juno-106). Poem: ‘Renascence’ (1912) by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Duration: 70 minutes. Commissioned by Festival Musica Sacra, Maastricht. Coproduced by Toneelgroep Maastricht. Renascence All I could see
Short scene for Children’s choir (the children), tenor solo (the father), clarinet, alto saxophone, piano, and double bass. Topic: the plastics pollution of the oceans. Text by Erik Bindervoet and Robbert-Jan Henkes. Duration: 13 minutes. Commissioned by the education departement
Three pieces for male choir. Topic: friendship. Poems by Rémy de Muynck, Gerrit Kouwenaar and Herman Gorter. Duration: 9 minutes. Commissioned by ‘Zang en Vriendschap’ Haarlem. | Er zijn vrienden van ver gekomen. Wij verleiden de koude maan met oude,
Short piece for mixed choir a cappella. Poem by Stefano dal Bianco. Duration: 3 minutes. Commissioned by Europa Cantat. Altra Luna Ho visto la luna più chiara di sempre alzarsi dietro il monte e non ho fatto niente. Non ho
Three madrigals for male and female recitant and mixed chamber choir Poems by Erik Menkveld. Duration: 15 minutes. Commissioned by the Nederlands Kamerkoor. Published by Donemus. The two soloists are amplified, the chamber choir is spatially divided over the
Song cycle for soprano and string quartet. Topic: love, falling in love, the joy of love, doubt, crisis and mature love. Poems by Paul Éluard. Movements can be performed seperately. Duration: 45 minutes. Published by Donemus. | Nous deux Nous
Song for mezzo soprano, oboe, trombone, violin, cello, and piano (in spatial set-up). Poem by René Char. Duration: 11 minutes. Published by Donemus. Sortie Ineffable rigueur Qui maintint nos vergers, Dors mais éveille-moi. C’était, ce sera La lune de silex,
Madrigal for mixed chamber choir 4444 or 6666. Poem by X. J. Kennedy. Duration: 10 minutes. Published by Donemus. Schizophrenic Girl Having crept out this far, So close your breath casts moisture on the pane, Your eyes blank lenses opening
Three songs for baritone and orchestra: 2222 3000 1perc hp – strings. Or for baritone and piano. Versions for all other voices also available. Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire. Duration: 6 minutes. Commissioned by the Internationale Vocalisten Concours Den Bosch, being
Three short songs for soprano, flute, oboe, bass clarinet, piano, harp, mandolin, guitar, violin and viola. Poems by Lucas Hüsgen. Duration: 6 minutes. Commissioned by the Nieuw Ensemble. Published by Donemus. I hier lig ik bij de verholen rok en
Five tonal, accessible and easy to sing songs for medium/large choir and orchestra: 2222 2221 2perc hp – strings. Suitable for amateurs. Poems by Constantijn Huygens. Duration: 16 minutes. Published by Donemus.
Song for baritone and ensemble: 1121 1000 2perc – Poem by Guillaume Apollinaire. Duration: 8 minutes. Commissioned by the Schoenberg Ensemble. Published by Donemus. La Porte La porte de l’hôtel sourit terriblementQu’est-ce que cela peut me faire ô ma
Cantata for mezzo-soprano, bass-baritone, recitant, mixed choir, 9 violins, 3 violas, 2 cellos, double bass and keyboard-operated vocoder. Poems by Lucas Hüsgen. Duration: 20 minutes. Published by Donemus. Verpoosd in Schaduw is gecomponeerd als onderzoek naar een actueel madrigalisme. Met
Four songs on dutch poets for baritone and ensemble: 1121 1000 1perc pf – Poems by Tonnus Oosterhoff, Michaël Zeeman, Peter van Lier and Willem Jan Otten. Duration: 9 minutes. Published by Donemus. | Tonnus Oosterhoffs tragikomisch gedicht In
Three ultra short songs for baritone, cello and piano. Poems by Peter Altenberg. Duration: 3 minutes. | Vorfrühling Es riecht bereits nach Veilchen – – – aber sie sind noch gar nicht da! || Traurigkeit Weinet, sanfte Mädchen – –
Three songs for baritone and chamber orchestra: 2222 2110 2perc hp cel – Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire. Duration: 5 minutes. Il Pleut (1916) il pleut des voix de femmes comme si elles étaient mortes méme dans le souvenir cest
Short duet for mezzo soprano and baritone. Poem by William Butler Yeats. Duration: 2 minutes. Published by Donemus. When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And
Short song for soprano and piano. Poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Duration: 3 minutes. Published by Donemus. Nähe des Geliebten Ich denke Dein, wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer Vom Meere strahlt; Ich denke dein, wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
Short songs for soprano and percussion (2 gongs and 2 cymbals). Poems by Paul Celan. Duration: 3 minutes. Published by Donemus. Der uns die Stunden zählte Der uns die Stunden zählte, er zählt weiter. Was mag er zählen, sag? Er
Bilingual song for alto voice, violin, cello, corno inglese and bassoon, inspired by the painting of the same name by Salvador Dalí. Texts by Savador Dalí and Christian Friedrich Henrici. Duration: 3 minutes. Published by Donemus, The Hague.