The abbreviation GAMPSISS stands for GAmeful Music Performances for Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Societies. The project was funded by NWO (Dutch Research Council) and was part of its Smart Culture program. This program aims “to further develop and strengthen the knowledge base for the creative industry. Research on the product or service level is linked to research on the sectoral and societal levels”.
In the GAMPSISS project, research on the impact of ‘gameful music performances’ was integrated with research about listening to classical music and (others in) society. The aim was to eventually provide the classical music sector with tools to establish a contemporary societal relevance, resulting in engaging new and inclusive audiences.
Four research institutions participated in the project: Codarts University for the Arts, Rotterdam; Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. Next to these knowledge institutions twenty-three public and private partners participated in the project. For the full list of partners, see publication.
This artistic research report describes all the steps we took as researchers to provide tangible recommendations to the Dutch classical music sector. This report represents the embedded research as defined in the proposal. The other half of the research, the strategic research, has its separate outputs in the form of academic papers and conference papers.
This report covers the artistic research executed in this project by researchers Hamel and Luijten. Also, some additional research done by strategic researchers Michael, Erdbrink, and professor Koen van Eijck (EUR) are included. During the designing and building process of the game we worked as a team, merging and combining all our expertises in an interdisciplinary process.
Research team:
Micha Hamel, Codarts. Embedded researcher, project leader
Annebeth Erdbrink, TU Delft. PHD candidate
dr. Janna Michael, EUR, Post doc. Strategic researcher
dr. Rens Kortmann, TU Delft. Strategic researcher
Arlon Luijten, Codarts. Embedded researcher
Full publication in PDF:
Scientific paper, produced in the context of GAMPSISS:
Photo credit: Nichon Glerum